gembira sebelum sibok

hari raye aji makan lembu,
hai sume how are youu?? *gediks!

untuk menjeleskan insan-insan yang tak dapat balek rumah raye aji nanti, aku juz nak bitau esok aku balek kampong! ohhh! tak sangka kan, cepat je da nak raye lagi, utang puase raye yang lepas ni pon aku tak start lagi bayor, ish ish (de kene mengene kerrr????!)

anyway arini nak citer pasal latest trip aku pegi melancung (ayat lebey tepat melEncong kowt, haha!) ke genting! yihaa! idea pigi sini almaklom macam bese spontaneous. bile rase nak pegi je teros we all beli tiket, takde pike lame-lame dah, gerek kan nyah? hahahaha. and best la dapat release tension bile naek benda-benda gile kat genting ni, (walaupun to be honest, suara aku memang takley nak kuo langsung sepanjang-panjang naek menatang2-yang-bole-buno-orang tu, oke, i just realized im not a screamer when it comes to having an adrenaline rush event,well except maybe bile nampak antu kot, or artis korea yang hot, oke melalut, wu3)

not forgotten thanks a gazillion to the bestest companions ever existed in this world-wana, rab, kak as, and syikin sebab bawak saye pegi sini, merase naek cabel car for the first time ever in my life, laugh along with me sampai sesak napas, makan kat tempat best and mahal (haha), and paling best--> tunaikan one of my wish list  ---> naek go-kart sampai puas!! hahahaha
seriously dude, i had had fun that day, thanks so much and i love you! all of you. oh and yeah you too mate (pointing to you, yes you! you who's enjoying ( i hope) this writing right now, hihi)

so! here's the product of us camwhoring throughout the day! =) (pics all are courtesy from my mental BIG sis-kak as XD enjoy lads!
dalam cabel car- teruja!!!!

imagine kalau kabel terputus, arghh ngeri siyut

it was seriously freezing that day!! tak tipuu! brrrr!!

tunggu turn naek buai pusing

before pusing sengih sampai ke telinga =)

bile da pusing tu mulut da tak ley nak bukak, hehe


the dreaded roller coaster. woha!

go kart bebeh!! syiokk abes!

mulut masing-masing senget sebab tengah kulum cekelat, hokhok

with hana tajima-tak jadi (lolz!) 

im not faking a smile! im juz trying to act cute oke, aegyo! hahaha!!!

before you kill me wanot, i juz wanna make it clear that i dont upload this to humiliate you, but instead im doing this becoz my inner bad self told me to, and i cant argue with her, so..yeah =) but heyy you know i love you! right??

suke sangat gan pic ni!! i dunno why, lalala

daebakk!!! err i just realized i was an adult that day, haha

berkabus!! sebab ujan~~

same spot like last time's visit, but with totally different posts, oyeahh

takley nak pusing gambo ni, no matter how many time i tried, this is kak as-with syikin

makan sweet potato panas-panas time sejok, omaiguess memang heaven! ohh

alrigh-ty think thats all im going to share for now, i tell you, im just glad we did all this crazeyh things earlier, sebab sekarang ni da start busy gile dengan assignments and studies, so memang da tak dan da nak berendut ronggeng bagai. adess cuti ni kene balek awal pulok sebab ade program khidmat masyarakat kat jb. ahh papehal pon aku nak raye dulu, yang lelaen mahu pike kendian, bole najer?hihi  *tetibe. kbai
1 Response
  1. oh no!!! i miss this moment so much...rse cam kita g oversea u...

    p/s: aku rse cam nk mkn sweet potatoes panas2

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