my # 1 nemesis

" adik, customer mana?"
" tanya aku buat ape, g la tanye customer tu dorang kat mane" jawabku dengan penuh rasa kejengkelan.........
...dalam ati.

" adik, sudah siap kemas ka? buat cepat sikit okay"
" kalau nak cepat siap tolong la!" jawabku dengan beraninya...........................................
selepas beliau pergi.

" adik, customer!"
"ye, ye" sambil memutarkan bebola mataku dengan wajah penuh meluat...............................................
di belakang beliau.

" adik, buangkan sampah ni"
" ok" .......selepas tu mencampakkan sampah tersebut dengan penuh kekuatan sampai dua kali tong sampah terbalik.

encik menjengkelkan, a.k.a MR YEOH, saye x suke anda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anda menjengkelkan saye ke tahap paling maksimum! anda sangat annoying, sangat buat hati saye sakit bile anda ade! dah lah anda suroh orang panggil anda MR. YEOH! hello??? anda ni cikgu BI saye ke?? haa? haa?

bile saye bebual dua tiga patah dengan membe kerja anda datang dengan lagak cikgu disiplin bawak rotan. 
" adik you nak keje ke nak bebual??" " you pegi kemas seluar tu, asingkan ikut pattern" 
" what the.. semalam saye baru kemas la!! " protesku.....seperti biase hanye dalam ati. 

seperti biase jugak saye hanye menurut tanpa bantahan, memandangkan anda tu encik supervisor, kuase anda besar macam ketua kampong. sebagai pekerja yang konon beretika, saye sentiase patuh.

tapi jangan ingat saye akan terus berdiam diri. pantang keturunan tajuddin tak melawan (ye?) . tengok la nanty..satu ari nanty...saye akan balas pembulian yang anda lakukan pada saye ini....juga terhadap rakan2 saye yg lain...hari itu akan tiba juga...tapi sebelum itu akan saye pastikan dahulu..

....yg gaji da selamat saye amik....huh

nobody is what they seems..

mak da conquer tv, phone tengah cas so aku takley bace e-book. at first plan on lappy konon nak bace e-book, but then my eyes got tired so i decided to blog. (apekedehel bahase aku becampor2? bahase tu melambangkan bangsa taw! marahku pada diri sndiri) 
hadoii hadoii.. bosan laaa..

by the way aku baru abes membace bebelan bella membe keje aku (yang lagi bape ari lagi nak berenti tinggalkan aku sensorang ngadap singa betina tu, hakhak) kat belog bliau. lawok2, segala hape yang ko komplen tu isik hati aku gak bella, aku ngat aku sorang je yang rase. ko tau, aku paleng berbulu tahap kambing biri2 bile die suro seret guni berat lapan tan pastu bule negok je dari blakang bukan nak nulung! perghh kalau aku ni otromen memang da lame la rambut bliau aku fire taw bella! (atas dasar kesewelan apakah aku mengumpat sensorang di sini? err err)

anywayy, bile sebut pasal berbelog ni teringat plak tetibe time first time aku rase nak buat belog dulu. ape yang trigger aku sebenanye? haha, actually i have always enjoyed writing. i enjoyed writing as much as i enjoyed reading someone else's writing. writing is fun. (or in this case, blogging) you see, im a type of person who doesnt speak up my mind always. senang cakap aku ni jenis yang tak berapa suka nak berterus terang la. tapi bukan tak berterus terang as in menipu or being dishonest. tapi berterus terang in terms of melahirkan perasaan hati. cewaahh perasaan hati gitew. tapi benda ni berlaku dengan orang yang tak rapat jela. kalau ngan membe sekepala lutut or family memang aku tak de hal la nak jadik dirik aku sendrik. ye ke? haha, tapi ikut keadaan gak la, ade gak benda yang kadang2 kite kene simpan sendiri. and dalam keadaan macam tu la belog aku ni comes in handy. 

dulu aku simpan gak diary, tapi sebab aku da muak dengan kepanjangan tangan dua malaun (juga dikenali sebagai akak dan abang) kat rumah aku ni, terus tak simpan lagi dah. tapi tulis diary dengan berbelog laen. sumpa laen. dalam diary kite tulis benda2 yang private, luahan perasaan tahap paling mendalam mencecah core bumi punye, tapi bende2 cenggitu mane bule dibelogkan, nak mampos? huahuaa.. bagi aku laa, ade je jenis yang buat belog dorang cam diary, tapi tu hak masing2, kan? kan? tapi untuk species malu2 kucing comel cam aku neh mati kene hisap darah ngan drakula pastu hidop balek jadik drakula pastu mati teros kene langgar lori taik pon tak mungkin aku akan mempublickan bende2 sebegitu. kalau seme bende kite nak publickan ape je yang tinggal kat kite ye dak? murahan sangat tu bhai, hahahaa

so, sebab tu la belog aku ni jadik cam sekarang, nak kate belog personal tak berapa nak personal sangat, factual lagi lar haram, belog orang ramai? err cite aku gan memeber lagi banyak dari cite orang ramai camna?hoho,, tapi kadang2 bile ngah insaf aku berbelog gak bende2 baek (abes bende2 laen yg aku berbelog selama ni tu tak baek la? ea? ea? err ntah!) pendek kate, sume depends pada mood, lau mood aku cam skarang rase nak bercerita aku pon cecite lar, kalau rase nak merapu aku merapu kepundeng marang skeper. kalau rase saket hati post aku pon penuh lar gan maki cacian cursing swearing sume (tapi slalunye pas da cool aku delete lar, hahaa, gile ko nak simpan, nanty ustaz2 tahfiz2 ensem pandang serong taw, hahaa (ketawa gedik)) kalau rase gumbira rase nak ketawa mengilai-ngilai cam rang gile, post aku pon jadik berbunga-bunga lar, siap aku bubuh emoticon ngah melompat riang, hah! sampai gitew sekali penangan perasaan pada belog. aku wonder ape la penulis2 cite seram cam stephen king tu buat nak dapat feeling buat cite seram tahap aku bule mengigau bile tido petang. dorang bertapa menulis kat kubur barangkali?? wallhualam. hanya mereka dan mereka yang buat dokumentari pasal mereka yang tahu. erkk

p/s : tajuk entry seperti biase saje buat gempak. kenyataanye seperti biase, isi entry lebih lemak dari muscle. sekian...

saya nak beast!!


*english translation**

it’s a lie, it’s a lie
we can’t end it like this
come back again, please come back
i can’t believe that you’re leaving me

i should try saying something to you
though there’s no use in it
this isn’t it, this isn’t it
i won’t believe in this truth

this is all a lie
it’s not the truth
i won’t believe any more of this
i asked many times not to leave me
this is a lie

you’re no longer beside me
this is the truth
i don’t want to believe it
though i ask you numerous times to come back again,
all of this has to be a lie

this is a lie, this is a lie
this is a lie, this is a lie
this isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
this isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth

it’s a fact
my brain knows it’s true, but my heart won’t accept it
i can’t believe it
unknowingly, everything i knew now seems like an obsession
this situation that suddenly fell over my head,
i can no longer control it
i can’t empty you but i’ll try to erase you
i’ll rewrite the story of you and i

21 at last =)

when a girl was a 9 years at age, she wonders when will she reach 12? she felt so eager to become a senior at her elementary and get some raise on her allowance. she's done with being just a spoil kid, and wanted to be more like a teen.

at 12 years age, that girl was a senior. but deep in her heart, she didnt feel like one. she didnt feel any changes..for her, her world then when she was 9 years old, and now, had no difference at all. she's still the same spoil brat she was. the dependent one, the chicken one. and at this rate, she cannot wait to reach 13, enters a new school, and become more matured.

it was her thirteenth birthday. she no longer lives at her home, well, technically, because she had been accepted into a full boarding school situated 30km's away from her home. before going, she was so confident that this was her time. her time to finally be free. her time to shine. her time to show the world what she have got, and what she could offers. but boy, never had she realized that being far away from her family was tough. she felt alone, she was scared, and at this time, she was starting to regret her decision. she wanted her mom, she wanted her family, and at this rate she had given just about everything to turn back time and be a kid again.

she was 15 now. she felt different. she no longer longing for home and her family as much as before. she has adapted. and she was sincerely happy with her life. she had wonderful friends, she tops her class at almost every exams and tests, and she felt confident about life. she felt like she could give something more. she wanted to become more important. she wanted to become more matured. more like an adult. so that she will have controls over other people, so that people will look at her with dignity..she wanted the name. she wanted the fame..she wanted to be known by the world.

at 17, people would expect her to become someone, someone important. but boy, never did they realized before that that girl had nothing to offer. she's weak, she's coward, she's not courageous. she cannot be a leader. at this point, that girl also realizes that. she felt stupid for having so much confident in herself, thinking that she will become a person she's always wanted to be. at this age, she realizes everything. she realizes that she never changed,, that she, was still the same 9 year-old spoil brat who's afraid to let down her ego. for that, she cant wait to grow older, so that she can understands life more.

she was 18 now. life has given her so much of its lecture. she understands now. she understands how the things go. how life should be lived. how the world doesnt revolves around her and only her each and every of time. she's letting her guards down now. she's beginning to trust others. she knew that, at this rate, no one will ever survived by themselves. one will need other. she prayed to God she will get older soon, and find someone to fill in the empty spaces in her heart.



that girl is 21 now.

I AM 21 now. =)

and at this age, i feel so contented about everything.

i have the most wonderful family...

lots of caring and loving friends...

a very enjoyable hobby (reading story books,, through my useless phone, hoho)

a stable career (until i resigned this coming september, lol)

and....ALLAH. =)

yes, i have ALLAH.
that means i have everything.
what else could i possibly want more?? =) 

p/s : thanks so much for all the wishes guys!!! really,, i love u all!!

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