the beauty of eid ul fitr ^^ alhamdulillah

assalammualaikum, and praises to Allah and to only Him =)

for the record, today is the 8th day of syawal, and thankfully, im still at home, yeay

there's not much differences in syawal this year compared to the past years, but still, as always, it has been meaningful, not only to me, but also to my family. and i have come to realized, its not the celebration which is important, but the meaning of the eid ul fitr itself, the actual beauty of it, as the day of the victory for muslims, and the day where we finally get the chances to get to meet with our friends and relatives and ask for each other's forgiveness.

so, urm, my family and i celebrated raya this time at our home, at batu pahat. last year we went back to my ayah's kampung at perak, but this year my parents decided for us to stay here because they didnt get to meet with their friends and relatives here at johor last year, so its like nak tebus balik ketakdapatjumpaan last year (oh i sucks at making sentences, i know) so thus this year we're not going anywhere ( anywhere means balik kampung, not pergi beraya, what am i bluffingggggg??? )

oh dear, my brother's getting married (oh not like tomorrow or next month, but in near future certainly, sob2) and not that i dont like the idea of him getting married (though i sometimes believe i do) its just that, it makes me sad, it feels like im losing him, i dont know how to explain it, but every time i think about this, it makes me feel empty, yeah, maybe its just a phase, and i'll get over it soon, but still, it kinda hurt me though...
my along said she also feels the same way, but i think that maybe because he's going to settle down BEFORE her, the eldest between us three, lol, oh for the records people call it langkah bendul..

dang, before i started typing all these, i think i have gazillions of things in mind, and now i have like nothing to talk about here, oh well, thats one of my exceptional skill-the ability to forget everything in just a split of second, tsk tsk

urm, oh and to be honest, nowadays i'd tried to make my blog here more beneficial, as in more factual to those who read it, but it seems that that is never really gonna happen, because im better at bluffing and talking nonsense, hohoho
and i also figure that its not fun, as in at all,  to make this blog miserable and full of sad, dark and twisted posts et cetera, so i have decided to stop letting out my miserable and annoying self in here..oh and to stop becoming one also in real life..because being miserable is sucks =) and i certainly do not want my life to be sucks, i mean, who ever wants that?

oh and yeah, once again, the post is not related at all with the title, you see, it all happens because of my goldfish memory.. i thought i have plenty of things to say about this eid ul fitr, but turns out then, well, AS ALWAYS, i forgot them much for having a big brain, looks like i have to let my neurons work harder after this, or my brain will rot and die... (yeah, bluffing equals to me, thank u very much)

oh i finally remembers something, you see, at my place, my neighbourhood, there is this one tradition we called marhaban, where people would visit each others houses, as in a group, and then they would perform selawat together, ( oh, and im explaining things here like people doesnt know what marhaban is, pathetic me..note for myself : im explaining this for my foreign readers, oh i know there's always one, this is internet for crying out loud, this blog could appear to anyone anywhere whenever they typed anything that are related to any of my post's titles on their search engine.......
 ok like people care, moving on..)

so here it is, my masterpiece!!! oh yeah, we gave these to children who came along with their parents during the marhaban, nice isnt it? well, see the leg lah, siapa yang buat? hoho

roka + gula2 susu (?) + 50 sen (u see, my mak is a cheapskate when it comes to giving duit raya =P)
alright, guess that wraps everything up, and oh boy..~sigh~..there's like tons of works awaits me after raya's holiday, wish me luck people, and maybe i would fill you in with the details if i could come out of it alive ( guess im exaggerating things again)..anyhow, please do have a wonderful raya and life! =) (who am i talking to? hahaha bajet ade org bace blog aku T_T) okay then, assalammualaikum

pens keyboards off

salahke aku ditch hm? salah ke??

assalammualaikum, and praises to Allah

right now i should be at fac for HM, but then here i am, in front of my dearie lappy, typing words by words, sing along with k pop songs at the top of my lung ( bajet orang sebela ngan sekeliling tak denga je), covering myself with my warm and lovely blanket, and figuring the correct words to be filled in here.

jadi, aku ditch HM hari ni, tak de sebab pon, nak kate aku lewat bangun tak sempat kejar bas memang tipu la, pagi tadi aku bangun subuh awal kot, tapi sambung membuta la pastu, haha
then kol 7 rab ketok pintu suruh aku bangun, aku pon ngan rambut serabai muka selenga bagitau beliau aku malas nak pegi HM ari ni,kenapa? tak de sebab pon, memang aku saje saje je malas tak nak gi, hari2 kene gi kelas, hari2 kena naek bas, boring tau tak!!! disstress aku, hahah (astaghfirullah, semoga Allah ampuni dose aku)

sebenanye tajuk aku tak de kene mengena ngan post neh, ikutkan post2 sebelum neh pon tajuk takderk kaitan langsung ngan isi, huhu and to be honest, aku pon tak tau ape senanye isik post neh, hahah saje je nak wat something, duduk sensorang lam bilik, pastu bukak2 fb akak kesayangan aku da on the way nak balek umah- buka lauk asam pedas ikan paten malam neh, perghhh menguji kesabaran glew...hukhuk...sabo la wahai hati, 3 ari lagi, 3 ari je lagi... tiket ko da beli ( sambil bukak drawer check tiket kkkl aku ade ke tak)

ohoh!! alhamdulillah de g, still intact =)
oh, and last night i went to dectar for iftar permaj. permaj stands for persatuan mahasiswa anak johor ( kot..) oh the function was quite nice la, they served us with nasik ambang.. perfect timing- i've been craving for nasik ambang lately..last makan time kenduri tahlil arwah atuk dulu la.. =( ( oh make a detour, hurry up!! tak mo masuk mode sedih)

oh and i was really impressed by their nasyid performance, lame da tak denga performance nasyid live, back then at my alma mater ( my old school smsj ) every time there were a formal function or special occasion, nasyid performance is a must, time form 1 dulu brader yang nyanyi nasyid dulu memang sore bak buluh perindu la wa cakap lu, aku engat g name bliau, khai, hakhak ( adess aku bukan gedik k, neh cume mengimbau kenangan lame, down along memory lane gitu, haha)

adess rindunya time skola dulu, ngan member2 yang tahap kesengalan tak leh nak diukur ngan pembares, tak de gamba la nak share, sebab time skola lu aku meskin, tak mampu nak beli kamera, hakhak, ade pon gamba time amek result spm la, tp aku malas nak share sebab tudung aku serabai gile time tu ( mak aku ngan member2 la, peluk2 aku, tertarek tudung aku same, da tak cun, huhu)

dulu time skola aku rajen turun sahur bile ari rabu jek, hakhak sebab lauk sahur ari rabu sodapp : nasik goreng, sup telur, tembikai, memang tahap menjilat jilat semua organ luaran aku la die punye sedap, hahaha

tp skang da duduk uni neh bangun sahur pon jarang-jarang, sob3... makan pon setakat beskut mayat ngan jus angkasa jek, hukhuk..buka pon, ngan yee mee je la hari2, adeh aku isaw gak senanye neh, hari2 makan yee mee, bule terevolusikah aku menjadik ascaris suatu hari nanti?? segalanya mungkin di dunia ini.. ( sambil nyanyi lagu senario XX lam ati..-dia bole beruba wajah, bole beruba suara..-)

hoh panjang la aku mencarut berceloteh kali neh, nengok jam da kol seblas, dak2 tu mesti da abes HM, hakhak durjane gilew peel aku, tapi kembali semula pada tajuk post ini ya muhammad adif, salah ke, ya, salahke aku ditch HM??

otak corrupt aku mengatakan TIDAK kerna jika aku tak ditch, pastinya nanti akan bertambah bajuku lagi selai untuk dibasuh, dan kita tidak mahu itu berlaku ya muhammad adif, kerana ya, kerana, baju laen suda bertimbunan lagi tinggi dari timbunan baju tuan siti mastazliha membe aku yang sangat aku kasehi..


bila exam da abis....

sume orang gumbira bila exam abes, yang tak suka tu maybe de aberasi or variasi kat kromosom dier..tapi kesah ape aku? yang penting exam ako da abess...hoorauuyyy

betul la, exam wat orang tension, especially species cam aku yang kurang daya tahan pada virus ketensenan, bule gile woo lau ari2 exam..caye aa cakap aku..huhu

da la bile exam sume2 temasuk aku keje memerap je lam bilik ( hoho cam ade plak yang nak besuka sukaan? mau kene penampo laju2 kowt lau aku jumpe makhluk camtuh) langsung x bermasyarakat, bersosial, hakhak, seb bek la time buka ade geng cam dak2 sengal ni : ###### ###### #####

terhibur gak hari2 ku yang tensen and kebosanan and x sabo gile nak berambus dari sini and kelaparan lauk rumah..

anyhow..tho how much exam irritates us, annoys us, and stresses us, all in all, at the end of the day, we cannot deny that it is the one which actually helps us to become a better person, the fact is, with good marks we can make our family proud and at the same time, satisfies our very self, but if Allah didnt give us the chance yet to get a good result, doesnt mean we doesnt deserve it, it only means that our time does not come yet. and most importantly, getting a good result is not everything about exam. its the learning process itself which is actually important. (gile aa...(monolog dalaman))

cuba bayangkan la, lau tak de la exam ni, kite bace buku ke? kite study ke? lau orang laen maybe ye, tapi aku memang for sure tak kan la. hahaha, so, my dear readers, exam actually IS good, it makes us read the notes, it makes us study, and most importantly, it makes us think, makes us use up the neurons in our brain,and it lets   us gain new knowledge, new ILMU from Allah

ilmu Allah ni terlalu luas, tak terkira oleh kita sebagai hamba-Nya, jadi sementara Allah da beri kite kesempatan untuk jadik student, untuk belajar bende baru, jangan la kite sia-siakan pulak,  grab all the upcoming opportunities, dont be afraid to try out new things and challenge ourselves, make ourselves a better person than yesterday. if today was a process, tomorrow should do us a progress, and paling penting sekali, ingat yang segala apa yang kite buat dalam proses hidup yang singkat nih,

LILLAHI TAALA.. semuanya kerana ALLAH TA'ALA

semoga hidup kita dirahmati Allah, insyaAllah =)

pinjam kate sorang sahabat karib aku, hahaha :


semoga kita mencapai keindahan itu, dan percaya adanya cahaya di penghujung jalan ini, insyaAllah =)

yee mee abess!!! abes ape aku nak makan ni??


here's a special dedication from us, the co_rabians, to you guys out there, wishing y'olz happy ramadhan and happy hari raye!!! raye raye!!

oh, and regarding to my title, yess!! can anyone believe that? the cafe's actually ran out of yee mee!! there were no yee mee at all! so what am i gonna eat today for break fasting?? no yee mee means the end of the world for me!! uwaaaa

story #2:

satu waktu berbuka puase:

tuan: yee mee ko membiak ke? makin banyak plak aq nengok

aku: bangkai ko!!! aq teringat ascaris la!! dujane gleww!!!

ascaris sp. woot woot XD
hahahahahh abeh la sume x lalu makan pasneh, hahahahhh amek ko

hinalah yee mee aku, cercalah beliau dan koloni koloninya, panggel la bliau ascaris ke caceng kerawet ke bradizoit kew, aku akan tetap menikmatinya ngan penuh kaseh sayang

tag in this post : TUAN SITI MASTAZLIHA, RABIATUL ADAWIYAH AWANG BINTING, SITI NUR ATEERA dan sekutu2 mereka yg menentang yee mee

hidup yee mee!!! mendeka yee mee!!!!

to be continued..

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