this is our story..

assalammualaikum, and praises to Allah the Almighty =)

right now the tense of the mid sem exam is getting on me, so i think it might be good if i could get away from the notes for a moment, and give chance to my brain to ease itself and to let it think about something different, something not related at all to pathology or genetics or pharmaco, et cetera....

story #1 :

"adik x payah pergi la nak, kecik lagi la nak masuk asrama, tunggu dah besar sikit nanti la baru pergi, lepas pmr nanti kan boleh masuk asrama jugak" kata mak

"ala mak, boleh la, aritu kan ila da pergi program kat asrama sri gading dulu, best la mak duk asrama penuh, lagipon cikgu2 sume cakap sayang je kalau ila tolak, bukan senang boleh dapat"


"helo, along mak mane?"

"kau asal x telefon2 ruma? mak da risau gle da tu, asal aku ngan wan nak guna telefon je die bising, tak bagi kitorg borak lama2, takot adik telefon mak kate"

"aku sibuk sangat dgan orientasi ni, tak jumpa public phone, panggil mak la"

"helo assalammualaikum adik...."

"mak, ila nak balik la, tak suka duduk sini, (menangis)"

"la, kan dulu adik yang beria-ia, takpe la, kan baru lagi, lame2 biasa la, nanti esok mak ngan ayah datang ye syg"


"helo, mak assalammualaikum"

"w'salam, amboi ingat da lupa mak da, lame x telefon"

"xde duet syiling la mak, haha, ni pon pinjam kad phone kawan"

"nati ahad ni mak dtg bawak duet syiling, adik slalu2 la telefon, ayah da tanye2 tu"


"mak, bole la mak, slame ni inila impian ila, dari form four lagi, lepas solat hari-hari inila yang ila doakan, skrg da termakbul x kan ila nak sia-siakan je?"

"jauh sangat la tu dik, nanti kalau mak rindu x boleh jenguk mcm kat skola dulu, nanti kalau abg wan along grad ke kawen ke adik x ade, raye nati adik x de, nati mak ngan ayah nanges ingatkan adik, ayah pon bila mak tanya pasal ni dia diam je dik, ayah pon sedih"

"ala nati kan ade cuti summer sume tu, lagipon banding ngan negara laen australia ni plg dekat ngan malaysia taw mak, nk balek senang, lgpon sume kwn2 ila pon fly, x kan la ila sorg je yg nak blaja kat sini?"

"dekat pon nanti tambang nak pegi balek kan mahal dik, mak ngan ayah nak telefon denga suare adik nati pon mahal, nati raye adik sorg2 kat sane, mak x boleh la kalau sorg anak mak x de same2 kat sini, kalau jadi pape nati mcm mane? kalau jadi pape kat mak, kat ayah? adik jauh kat sane, belum tentu boleh balik"

(seminggu anak derhaka ini tidak bertegur sapa dengan ibunya....hanya kerana mak dan ayah terlalu sayang enggan melepaskan dia pergi belajar di perantauan)



ya Allah, aku bernazar pulang nanti aku akan cium kedua telapak kaki ibuku, aku ingin cium bau syurga..ampunkan dosa si tanggang ni emak, ayah...

to be continued....


assalammualaikum, praises to Allah the almighty =)

i must admit, im not a good writer, let alone a good speaker, but i gotta admit, i LOVE writing, haha tho i know the end product is useless and not interesting, but i still like it, because im not very good at expressing myself. im not very good at words, and sometimes i find it very hard to point out something or anything that i have in mind, but through writing, i find that self expressing has become much easier : you dont have to do a gestures, face expressions, variations in tone to make your voice noticeable etc, because only words are needed to show the world what is that that you have in your head.

okay, so, urm..what i actually want to say here is that.. i love ALL MY FRIENDS! (blushing)
okay, weird stuff, i know i know, but right now its 3.09 in the morning, i should be studying but yet i felt boring so i grab my never-shut-down lappy and thought that instead of keeping on peeking on my facebook noti's, i should be doing something more beneficial : which is updating this very boring+ridiculous blog of mine..

so..everyone ( whoever u are, hopefully not someone that i dont know, oh i hate stalkers) i need to make my point here.. i love my friends because i know they will always be here or there for me whenever i need them, friends that i got here..they are like no other..they are whom i can proudly call my TRUE friends, they are the ones who can cry and laugh along with you, they are the ones that you can always count on, they are the ones that can shed away your tears, they are the ones who are willing to endure hard and bitter moments together with you, so, right now, i dont think i have any regrets no more, because having these friends is like having a real family with you...

so i just wanted to say here that i love you guys very deeply and bule x blanje aq buke luse? ( sbb esok iftar kan, haha)

no, no seriously, i really love u guys, so plz, do love me back, cuz betepok sebela tgn tidak bebunyik, ngeeeee, hugs and kisses, nyum2..

p/s: oh oh mari study dan study dan study dalila!!

my greatest lovers after Allah and Rasulullah

just now i was at rab's room, doing bio mol report together with atero. since her room is just next to mine, so i didnt bring my phone with me. the report took about 2 hours to finish, and once we were done, i came back to my room and check my phone. there was a message from along, my eldest and only sister.

" ak kne samon..skg kt blai ngan kak nasya...pnyamon tu acu pistol kt ak..ak pk mati je td.."

and i was like

speechless. shock. scared to death. feel like my head is going to exlode to pieces. i stood there and read the message again. no, this cant be real. i called along at once

she picked up the phone after the 5th ring (yes!!! i counted them!!!!) and oh dear..i could still hear the sobbing in her voice, so then she told me about what exactly happened..and it was really happened..

a robber actually pointed a gun. A GUN. to my sister. to my along. to my forever family member. to my bestest best friend. to my along??????? i really cant believe this is actually happening. not to us. not in our life. all this time i always thought that kind of things can only happens in movies, tvs, newspapers, but not to me, to us..

Ya Allah...Alhamdulillah...thank you Allah for everything..

iyyakana' budu waiyya kanastai'n...

thank you for everything...



-mode : vulnerable. in need to be with family desperately....
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